Christ Baptist Church
Houma, LA
1700 East Tunnel Blvd.

I'mCross Fire Ministries a title. Double click to edit me.
Welcome to Christ Baptist Church Youth Department!!!! We are excited that you have come to this site! Let me just tell you a few things about our awesome Youth!
First we have Services listed below!
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:15 Sunday Morning Service in church
6:00 PM Sunday Youth Discipleship Training
6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services
We are a light in a dark sinful world
Youth Visitation
Christ Baptist Youth Group welcomes you! Josie wants to visit and love on you! We hope to see you one day soon!!!!!!
Assoc. Pastor / Youth Pastor
Rev. Doug Walling
If you go to YouTube and look up Douglas Walling Sr. Ministries and click on the subscribe button and you will receive a notice every time I post a message!

G F I Youth Spiritual Journals
R O T Wednesday Night
O R Upper Room
W 6:00 PM
Lessons 1 - 52 Come Grow With Us!